Sunday, May 31, 2009

Were moving....

Ive decided to move the blog over to Wordpress, It seems like a much better blogging client, so from now on if you want to read whats going on head to...

Friday, May 29, 2009

Busy Busy Busy...

Ya know, Being unemployed has sure been busy. I am on the go more now than I ever was when I was working. I am out and about now looking for things to photograph. I decided that I really want to persure my photography. I keep getting compliments about it and what not. Me personally think I have a lot of growing to do, but I guess I am my own worst critic. This little blog of mine will be transforming into Photography and Snakes, even more so than it already is. On top of everything else I blog about.

Stay tuned for updates, I want to share my photography with you all, I really want some comments and feedback. So please, If you read, let me know what you think when I post images.


Until Next Time

Monday, May 18, 2009

Gay Pride Parade....

Well, First of all, Let this be a warning to anyone who is reading this, There will be some nudity in this post, If you are uncomfortable with nudity or anything that has to do with Gay Pride, just click away now.

Now... For those of you who don't care and are still reading, Here is goes. I'm gonna give descriptions of whats what as best as I can, I don't know it all so please bear with me.

The parade started with a group of motorcycle chicks, They are also known as Dykes on Bikes!

Now this next picture was taken for all the ladies that we were with, They all wanted a photo of the girls ass dancing on the boat!
I think Heather knows who this is... Heather if you can... Help me out
Again all the girl pics are requested photos haha
Okay now this is where I said there would be nudity, This lady decided to drop shirt and let them free. It was rather funny listening to all the women!

Well that was most of the parade, I didn't get good pics of everything. Hope you guys enjoyed the parade! Hopefully no one was offended!

Until Next Time...

What a weekend....

Hello friends, It's been one hell of a weekend. This update is going to be in two parts. I have way too many photos to do it all in one. Its just easier for me that way :)

Friday night we went down by the lighthouse so I could practice my night time photography. There were all taken by me. Click on all these photos to see the original file size, there pretty big, but check them out :)

There was a bridge over the street where we were at too, I decided to try some cool shots of the cars driving by, I am a big fan of the light trails in photos, I went for the same effect.

That's all for my professional photography blog for now, the next post is going to be all about the Gay Pride parade in Long Beach this weekend.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fuzzz... Doesnt Like Rats...

Well this video is from about a month ago, I posted it up on the forums that I visit and thought I should post it here too!

This is my friend Heather's dog, He does not like rats very much!

Until Next Time...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

So Effing Tired Of...

This Freakin Girl

I mean enough is enough, I've been watching the news all morning today and every other story is related to her. I mean when did the Miss USA pageant become so damn important. Maybe it's just me but I really don't care if some girl that's representing California has a couple photos with her boobs hanging out or her in some booty shorts. We live in California for Christ's sake, People take pictures and dress like that all the time. Why is it such news that a girl has some photos of her naughty bits?

I also don't understand the uproar of her being against Gay Marriage. Granted, I'm not happy about it but I don't feel the need to scrutinize her just because she has an opinion. I am in no way opposed of gay marriage, My own mother is gay, I feel that everyone should have the opportunity to spend the rest of their life with someone in Holy Matrimony. Just because this one chick opposes it doesn't make it the end of the world. She can believe what she wants, does it make her right? Not one bit... Is her one single opinion going to change the world? I think not. So stop giving this chick all the news time, Tell people what's really going on in the world!

I can proudly say that we fly one of these bad boys in front of our house, SUPPORT EQUAL RIGHTS!

Thanks for listening to my rant about stuff...

Until Next Time...

Not Alot....

Well folks, It's been a few days since my last post. Not a whole lot has been going on around here. Living the unemployed life is pretty shitty. We don't do a whole lot but sit around the house with the occasional walk to the kitchen. We sometimes to walking around the beach or just out for a bit but not since Thursday. We've been stuck in the house keeping tabs on my mother's girlfriend.

We have to stay home and be with her because she needs around the clock 24/7 care. She has eye surgery on Thursday evening. Her retina detached, I'm not sure how to explain it other than just show you an illustration.
So yea, that's what happened. She can't move or sit up for longer than five minuets. When she does ave to get up, Like to use the restroom someone has to walk her there because she can't keep her head up. Between my mom, Jasmin and I we have been taking shifts. Its been tiring but it has to be done. She should be able to get up around friday. Hopefully in time for Gay Pride weekend.

We try to go every year in support of My Mom and her Girlfriend. It's actually a lot of fun. The festival is just as fun. I'll take tons of photos this year for all my readers. I have some from last years pride, I'll have to dig them up and post them up. Well happy Tuesday everyone, and Congrats to Heather for finally getting her braces off!
This apples for you!!

Until Next Time...