Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Good times..

So this past weekend a had a little shindig with some snake friends. We went out to dinner and played some rockband. Our friends patrick long and Lydia from Cali Coils came out forthe evening. It was cool because we don't get to see them that often. Here are a couple pics...

I'll post some more when I get a chance :).

Until next time....

-- Post From My iPhone

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

iPhone blog!

So I found this really cool app on my iPhone that makes it so I can post a blog from anywhere and I just had to try it! So this is my test blog haha

I threw in a random pic of my iguana just for the hell of it

Until next time...
-- Post From My iPhone

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hump Day Fun Day...

Same ol Stuff... different day.... I did some cleaning around here today, I cleaned all the snake tubs and made sure everything was in tip top shape! I decided that my male has had enough rest time and it was time for him to get back to business. So back in the females tub he went for a few days of fun time!

After all that we went and spent the evening at Heather's of Heather's Herps. I helped her clean out her tubs and just took some pics for her... they are as follows

This picture has got to be one of my favorite photos that I have ever take... It's perfectly heart shaped. I love it Bumblebee Ball Python

Spider Ball Python

Albino Ball Python

The next couple days are going to be rough, a friend of the family passed away. I don't know if I will be able to update in between going on's but I will indeed try.

Have a great rest of the week...

Until Next Time...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It seems like forever...

If it seems like a really long time since I have posted anything on here well... it's because it has been! I have been crazy busy for the last week and a half. We spent the last weekend down in Long Beach with my family. It was a great time with lots of pics and stories to share.

Friday we had just hung out and did a few errands with the family. The rain clouds were unbelievably scary looking. It looked like all hell was about to break loose and the sky was going to fall. Check out the few pics I snapped..
Saturday we woke up and went down to the beach. There is this cool lighthouse close to my moms house so we went over there and walked around.
While we were out we ran into some dude that had his Green Iguana with him, although she wasn't very green. Here is a pic of my Green Iguana to compare to the guys that we saw with his.
Forgive the stupid look on my face, I don't know what I was thinking. From the looks of the green Ig we ran into it had had a few problems. You can't really tell from the pic but her tail was significantly shorter than normal. She was really cool though, loved people which is rare. Most Green Iguanas I have come in contact with have all been on the meaner side. We also saw a random lizard hanging out on a wooden path that we were walking along. I couldn't snap a very good pic without scaring him off but I did the best I could.

Sunday was a pretty cool day, we went to the Long Beach Dog Park with the family. We took our St. Bernard to visit all the other dogs.
We also went on a six mile bike ride around El Dorado Park. It's a huge park less than a mile from the house. We came across some cool stuff from landscapes to remote control boats! Check out all the pics from that bike ride...

That's all...

Until Next Time...

Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday's Back..

It's been a busy few days around here and I haven't had time to update. We have had a lot of rain here in Southern California. and that means sexy time for the snakes.

WooHoo It's a lock! That means there doing their business, It's what I found Friday morning! That is a 100% Het Ghost Male being bred to one of my Normal Females. They are pretty much going at it a lot, whenever he is in with her. So I'm hoping for the best!

I spent most all of friday with a friend, Heather Wong of Heather's Herps, running errands and stuff. I helped her clean her snake room and stuff. We fed a few thing.. Once thing we few was her Pacman Frog, I never get tired of watching that thing eat. He eats like a champ!Heather also got bit by one of her females, She got her pretty good. I managed to snap a pic of the fresh bite!I also managed to get a couple of cool pics of The Joel's Cresties...

Saturday was a great day, We had a little get together of sorts, Raul and his wife Laurie of Westcoastjungle came out for dinner. That was a good time, followed by a night of Rockband amongst friends! Joe, The Joel Heather and I rocked out for a few hours and had a blast.

Sunday was a day of rest... Just hanging out, We went to Jasmin's Grandmas for a while and thats about it.

Until Next Time...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Rain Rain... Hurry up and get here!!

It's that time of the year where it seems like all over the news you hear about snow and storms from all over the country. I just heard on the news that Indiana received over 19 inches of snow, and here we are in California where we don't see many storms and we all complain if it's colder than 70 Degrees out. I for one love the rain, I love to hear it and as weird as it sounds I love the smell of rain. Were supposed to receive a significant amount of rain for the next few days which is optimal snakie sex conditions.

I plan on putting my male in with his girlfriend very soon. He has had a few days to rest and is ready to go. Since I am just starting out in this world of Ball Python breeding I don't have as exciting pairings as most but it's exciting to me. I have a 100% Het Ghost male that is being bred to my two normal females, but more on that in due time.

Ive decided that I am going to take a snake and introduce them to you each day, I will share a new one each day for the next week or so.

This is the one that started it all. I received her from some people that didn't take care of her like they should have. They had her in a huge tank with no hides and a heat light. They also said they fed her once a month or so. They didn't want her anymore so I decided I should take her off their hands. I have had her for about 3 years or so. I hope you enjoyed!

Have a great day,

Until next time...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Check out my rack!

I decided to take a few pictures today of our setup. Seeing as this is a blog and all I should share right? At least that's what I'm thinking.. So here it goes. The rack I use is a Vision rack, so far I really like it.
Notice that cool looking snake on the top? Yea... my mom picked that up for me one day and called me saying this, " Open the gate at your apartment, I have a new snake for you" I was pretty much excited, and ran out and opened the gate. I'm sure you can imagine the look on my face when it was a big stuffed animal. As cool as it is..... It sure is not a new LIVE snake.

Anywho... I use a Herpstat to regulate my temps. It has worked very well thus far and I'm sure it will continue to do its job.
I set my temps to about 93 degrees and it makes sure the tubs are about 90'ish and the cool side of the tubs are about 79-81 degrees. It makes for a great temperature gradient.

Well that's my setup, I hope you enjoyed the quick tour of Kesslers Kreatures ball python setup.

Until next time...

Well here we are...

Hello and Welcome to Kesslers Kreatures Blog. I thought this would be a good way to just share my going on's with my world. Here are the basics, I'm 22, from sunny Southern California. I Keep reptiles, More specifically Ball Pythons. I also have a few other critters running around here. I am sure I will be talking more and more about them as time goes on. I also have a girlfriend name Jasmin..

That's us. :-D

Aside from that im just your normal guy who is getting into Ball Python breeding. I'm new in the game and invite you all to experience my journey one day at a time. Check back often for news and updates!