Thursday, April 30, 2009

Transformers 2!!!

I am incredibly excited for the new Transformers movie, I pretty much followed all of anything related to the first movie when it was first coming out. I read blogs, movie news, and even gossip stuff to get the scoop on that movie. Well I am doing the same with this one, They just released the first full theatrical trailer and it looks AMAZING!!

Check it out!!

Der- Ber-Ger

I just thought it would be fun to show everyone how were prepping for dinner :)

My moms hamburger recipe is amazing!

Until Next Time...

-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It's Official, I'm a Viking!

Well its been a long time coming for sure but I finally enrolled in college today. Jasmin and I both enrolled today at Long Beach City College. Jasmin plans on pursuing nursing. I on the other hand plan on pursuing Biology. I plan on specifically doing Zoology. I want to make work in a zoo someday. I can't wait, It's going to take forever but I think in the long run it's going to be worth the effort. I have been thinking long and hard about how I wanted to go about college, I really couldn't figure it out. I did know that animal related is where I wanted to be, but I had an issue because the money is not there. I decided that it's not just about the money but my happiness as well.We went to the student store, Picked up our practice assessment tests and we came across these cool folders. Were both super proud of ourselves for signing up for school so we figured we needed to show some school spirit. We could not pass up these folders... They were cheap to so it worked out nicely.

From hear on out we are College Adults, Hopefully It's a great experience. Stay tuned to my blog for constant updates on our happenings with school. Just another thing to post about!

Until Next Time...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Rat babies that is... I've been breeding rats now for about 3-4 months. I have been patiently sitting by waiting for any sign of pregnancy. I did notice one of my female rats getting fat. She also started burrowing some. Well 2 days ago I woke up and checked on her and there were no babies. Jasmin and I go make and eat breakfast, by time I check on them again I find 13 babies! So far they have all lived, and are eating great.

you can tell they are eating great by the milk band you can clearly see through the belly. Its the white thing in their stomach. It's actually very cool to be able to see it!

Until Next Time..

Friends In The Herp World..

There are lot of people in the world of reptiles.. I mean tons. I am lucky enough to have met a ton of great people in the short amount of time I have been apart of all of this. Since I have started blogging I have found out a few of my friends also do the blogging thing. I'd like to share my friends blog with you all as well. They have some very interesting posts.

Heather's Herps Blog
Heather is a Ball Python breeder and one of my best friends. Take the time to check her blog out. She's got some amazing animals.

West Coast Jungle
Raul from West Coast Jungle also breeds Ball Pythons. He also breeds Bearded Dragons. Again He also has some great animals.

Tangerine Gecko
Nancy from Tangerine Gecko has some of the coolest Geckos I've seen. She also breeds Ball Pythons. Check out her blog and see her awesome stuff!

These 3 people I know have great blogs, When I find more I will definitely post those for everyone.

Until Next Time...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Hockey playoffs!!!!

I'm super excited for playoff time. I've been a huge hockey fan for a long time. I even used to play back in high school. I've always followed pro hockey and I get even more crazed during playoff time. How many of you follow hockey? Who do you want to win? I'm a Ducks fan, I always have been since I was a kid. I was born in Orange County so I'm all about the southern Cali teams!

Let's hear your choices!

Until Next Time...

-- Post From My iPhone

My crazy beard!

So I can grow a beard faster than anyone I know. The other night I was hanging out with some friends and a friend of mine reminded me about a photo I showed them once. I figured I could share it with you guys... Check it out

Until Next Time...

-- Post From My iPhone

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Life..and my snakes.

Well since my last blog was about life decisions I figured I should keep up with the trend. I had dinner with some friends tonight and we started discussing my snake ventures and what direction I want to head. As of right now I don't have much. I'm really on the small scale of things. It's time for me to start planning long term. I need to figure out what I want and how I plan on gettig it.

I have a few choices that I've toyed around with. So far these are the options I have...

Option 1- work on getting my ghost project under way.. It's going to take me a bit longer but I am a pretty big fan of ghosts. I'll need to aquire another animal to make it faster.

Option 2- work on producing my own bumblebees, I'm half way there. I need to aquire another animal in order to acheive this.

Option 3- buy into a completly new project, this is my really unsure about idea. I'd like some new stuff and to have some other thing to toy around with, but on the other hand.. I'm still pretty low key and small time and is really worth it to not work on my already existant projects. So far everyones talked me out of this option.

In my own mind I'm leaning towards Option 2. I have always been a big supporter of the bumblebee. My friend has one and I love it, I always try to take photos and stuff of it, but the again I love ghosts. I'm so torn. I wish working on both was an option but frankly the funds don't work in that favor.

My question for you my friends is..

What do you think? Those of you who get my snake stuff, which direction would you head? I love the input!

Until Next Time...

-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Late Easter!!

I hope everyone had a great Easter! We had a pretty good one. We spent most of the day building a wall unit in our new residence. I haven't had a chance to write until now so none of you know but were moving. Were heading out to Long Beach. Were going to be beach bums. I'm pretty excited, I plan on enrolling in school in the fall. I'm not sure what I'm going to major in yet but at least I'm getting closer to deciding.

Alot of things come to mind for my major but nothing jumps out at me as something I can really enjoy and make enough to support myself and someday a family. I keep getting told that I should just do what I love and the compensation shouldn't be keeping me back.

So my question for you is.. What would you do? Your passion or settle for the high paying career?

Until Next Time...

-- Post From My iPhone

Friday, April 10, 2009

No HR 669!

I posted about it in my last blog and have some more information on it. There is a website up now to help the effort in stopping this bill from being passed, please go and check it out, Tell your friends...


Until Next Time...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

We Can't Let The Man Keep Us Down...

I decided I needed to address an important issue for those of us in the Reptile community, If any of my reader's are not part of this group of people please bear with me while I talk about this problem we are facing, Even you can help us out by signing the petition.

Here is the deal, The Congressional House Committee on Natural Resources is trying to pass a ban on all Non Native species called, The Non-native Wildlife Invasion Prevention Act (HR669). What this will do to our beloved reptile community would be devastating. It would prevent anyone from keeping a Non-Native species as a pet. This included types of fish, birds, reptiles and some mammals. This would be horrible if this was passed and we need fight it. I do know of an online petition going around. If you would all please sign it and let others know about it.

I promise to keep you all posted on the progress of this ban, Lets all keep our fingers crossed that it doesn't pass.

Until Next Time..

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Rollin... On the Mini Pipe.

Well about a week ago we went to Jasmin's grandma's house to visit and for me to get tattooed(more on that another time). Well Jasmin's uncle and her brother decided to build a mini half pipe in the back yard of her Grandma's house. It is very cool, they are planning on adding to there little skate park in due time. Well back to my point... I had my camera handy and snapped some really cool shots. It almost makes me want to be a photographer at the X-games or some thing like it.

Enjoy :-)

I always appreciate feedback, Let me know what you all think!

Until Next Time...

Monday, April 6, 2009

The God Damn Hills= Spawn Of Satan

I hate this show. I mean literally I hate how damn addicting it is. I will come out and say it, My girlfriend was watching it once on TV and it's been all downhill from there. I can't help but to sit on my couch on Monday nights and yell at the TV when Heidi takes Spencer back or LC trusts someone she shouldn't! I just don't understand how one show can take a guy who would rather watch shit blow up and turn him into a girly man who sits and yells at the cast of The Hills through his TV?! Please tell me someone who reads my blog can explain this to me. I hate to admit I am one of those people who contributes to The hills ratings but... I can't deny it.

Please MTV take this show away before I go insane and drive to Beverly Hills and kick your Camera Men and steal the tapes so they can never be aired!

Until Next Time..

I Don't Blog Nearly Enough...

It has come to my attention that I don't blog nearly enough. I keep being told that I need to post more stuff up here. I really am going to try to make it a habit to blog at least once a week if not more. I really only focus on snake stuff and I know the headline says I'll be blogging about everything in my life.

I don't know how many people that read my blog know I am getting into photography, I am trying to dabble in it. I find it very intriguing and in a way relaxing. I try to take my camera everywhere I go, I literally mean everywhere. If were going grocery shopping I try and take the camera. You never know where a good photo might be taken. Luckily for me, This time of the year is a great time for photo taking. Spring has sprung. Flowers a blooming. Birds are Chirping and all that jazz. I decided to snap a few photos of some flowers I saw around the yard earlier this afternoon..

Enjoy :)I'm really going to try and share my photography with you all as well as snake related stories and anything else I can think of.

Until Next Time..