Tuesday, May 12, 2009

So Effing Tired Of...

This Freakin Girl

I mean enough is enough, I've been watching the news all morning today and every other story is related to her. I mean when did the Miss USA pageant become so damn important. Maybe it's just me but I really don't care if some girl that's representing California has a couple photos with her boobs hanging out or her in some booty shorts. We live in California for Christ's sake, People take pictures and dress like that all the time. Why is it such news that a girl has some photos of her naughty bits?

I also don't understand the uproar of her being against Gay Marriage. Granted, I'm not happy about it but I don't feel the need to scrutinize her just because she has an opinion. I am in no way opposed of gay marriage, My own mother is gay, I feel that everyone should have the opportunity to spend the rest of their life with someone in Holy Matrimony. Just because this one chick opposes it doesn't make it the end of the world. She can believe what she wants, does it make her right? Not one bit... Is her one single opinion going to change the world? I think not. So stop giving this chick all the news time, Tell people what's really going on in the world!

I can proudly say that we fly one of these bad boys in front of our house, SUPPORT EQUAL RIGHTS!

Thanks for listening to my rant about stuff...

Until Next Time...

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